Some AirPods owners might sometimes notice that their headphones suddenly began to play quieter. Moreover, the problem is not that AirPods are malfunctioning – sometimes iOS itself limits the maximum volume level, and it’s enough to know a few tricks to help fix the problem. Often the problem may even be the low battery level of the iPhone. Therefore, if you suddenly noticed a decrease in the volume of AirPods or AirPods Pro, the tips below will help you figure out what is the reason – whether you need to go to a service center or just tweak something in the settings.
How to adjust the volume on AirPods
When your iPhone’s battery is close to zero, iOS may decide to lower the maximum volume to extend battery life. This is a feature of the power saving mode, but the function only turns on when you have a really low battery.
If your iPhone’s battery is charged and you activate power-saving mode from the control center, you probably won’t hear any difference. However, if you turn it on when the battery is low, it may affect the volume. Sometimes one AirPods earphone starts playing quieter than another – and here’s how to fix it.
- Open “Settings”;
- Go to the “Universal Access”;
- Scroll to the menu “Audiovisual item”
- Check the “Balance” item.
- If the balance slider is not quite in the middle, you will notice a difference in volume. Adjust it.
How to increase volume on AirPods
Often, AirPods owners are not even aware that the volume on their headphones is limited. The fact is that such an item is in the settings of the iPhone itself, which is called “Volume Limit”. I found that the function was enabled on my iPhone, although I remember for sure that I did not activate it. Check and you.
- Open “Settings”;
- Go to the “Music”;
- Scroll to the “Volume Limit” menu;
- Go into it to make sure that the restriction is turned off.
Please note that in order to see whether this menu is on or off, you must definitely go to this section. And inside already adjust the slider to the desired position. So you can both increase the volume on AirPods, and reduce it – for example, on a child’s device.
It depends on you whether you use this setting or not. But nevertheless, it was not in vain that they provided for it – do not forget that high volume has a negative effect on hearing.
How to solve AirPods volume problem
Sometimes headphones can “freeze” at a certain volume level, which is associated with a firmware bug. You can try to fix the problem yourself.
- Put on AirPods and play music;
- Turn down the volume to zero;
- Go to “Settings” – “Bluetooth” and find AirPods there;
- Press on “i” and select “Disable”;
- Continue playing music on iPhone speakers;
- Reconnect AirPods;
How to remove crackling from AirPods
AirPods owners often complain about crackling and some kind of extraneous thoughts in their headphones. The fact is that Bluetooth technology, like any radio signal, is subject to interference, such as static noise or crackles.
You can solve the problem as follows:
- Turn off or turn off other unused Bluetooth devices around you.
- Reboot your headphones.
- Disconnect the headphones for 30 seconds, then plug them in again.
- Reduce the distance between your smartphone and headphones, as this also helps to reduce (or even completely remove) any static noise.
If this method does not help, check if there is a software update for your AirPods.
How to update AirPods?
To install a new version of the software, you must:
- Put the headphones in the charging case
- Close and open case
- Next to the headphones you need to place the last paired device (iPhone or iPad). For everything to succeed, you should make sure that the device has access to a stable Wi-Fi point.
The whole upgrade process takes just a few minutes. Manually run this procedure, alas, is impossible.