Apple releases iOS 14.5.1 with bug fixes
Yesterday, May 3, Apple released iOS 14.5 .1 / iPadOS 14.5.1 for all iPhone and iPad models. The update was released without prior testing of the update and on Monday, which is twice atypical for the company and indicates its emergency nature. And since the release took place less than a week after the launch of iOS 14.5, it is obvious that the purpose of the current update is only and exclusively to fix the existing shortcomings that have been revealed during this time.
Based on the description, iOS 14.5.1 does not contain any new features at all. However, it includes at least one major fix related to the anti-tracking system.
What’s new in iOS 14.5.1

To be honest, I have not encountered the problem that iOS 14.5.1 fixes, and, apparently, the vast majority of users have not. Otherwise, information about the existence of such a bug would have spread over the Internet before Apple had time to release an update with bug fixes. But, on the other hand, it is good that Cupertino noticed the problem earlier than others and fixed it.
Should I install iOS 14.5.1
Should i install iOS 14.5.1? In principle, I see no contraindications for this. Usually, such small patches, in addition to major bugs, also fix small ones, and sometimes just optimize the operation of the operating system.
Therefore, after installing iOS 14.5.1, you can count on smoother device operation if it was not smooth enough, or, say, an increase in autonomy, which has dropped slightly compared to previous versions of iOS 14 on almost all iPhone models.
True, you shouldn’t be in a hurry to install iOS 14.5.1 among the first. Firstly, due to the large influx of users and the serious load on the Apple servers, the download speed will obviously be quite slow, which means that you will spend a lot of time downloading and installing the update.
And, secondly, no one can guarantee that there are no bugs and flaws at all in iOS 14.5.1. Therefore, I would wait a day or two – during this time, as a rule, serious shortcomings have already been revealed, allowing a decision to be made on the need for installation.